Võitlus sünnitusjärgse depressiooniga vol. 2 aka ma hakkasin võtma antidepressante
“Kuidas sul praegu läheb? Kuidas sa hindaksid enda tuju skaalal 1-10?” Niimoodi küsis mu psühholoog, kui ma mai lõpus esimest korda tema vastuvõtule läksin. “Ma arvan, et ta on sinna nelja-viie kanti,” vastasin ma. Siis ma rääkisin talle ära enda loo. Mis toimus raseduse ajal, milline oli mu sünnitus...
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Minu sünnilugu ja pool aastat hiljem
Minu jaoks sai kõik alguse 7. novembri öösel kl 2, kui algasid ebaregulaarsed mitte väga tugevad valud. Samuti hakkas ära immitsema verist limakorki. Kuna mul jätkuvalt ka puusad tõmblesid, siis ei saanud ma üldse magada ja tegin endale aseme elutuppa põrandale. Laotasin maha kõik tekid, mis kapist leidsin. Kõval...
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Protected: Lapse saamise saaga ja kõik ausalt rasedusest läbi minu silmade
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post....
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The biggest real-life Spanish drama I have ever experienced
To fully comprehend this post, you first need to read the first chapter of how it all started – click HERE. A year has passed from my mind-blowing trip to Jaca. I was confident on not writing down the continuation of this story, cause what happened next made me...
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Returning home after living abroad – reverse culture shock?
The state of alarm ended on the 22nd of June in Spain. This was the day when people were allowed to travel again after 3 months and we left Puertollano. Was I sad? Yes, of course! This small village with all these amazing people grew close to my heart,...
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What has been going on in the meanwhile? It’s not all about sunshine and rainbows…
As you might have noticed, I have been busy selling and giving away all of my stuff. I want to take with me as little as possible, and I hate things anyway, so this is a good way to get rid of all the pointless things, I mean the...
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