Category: Spain

A trip that took me to an alternate reality

If you are not a traveller or just don’t care about it, you can skip this post as your narrow-minded brain will probably not understand most of the feelings this trip triggered in me and it will be impossible for you to relate to anything I am going to...
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Living the Spanish dream – stuck in coronavirus quarantine

Who would have thought? Living my dream – already one and a half months in quarantine in Spain. Many people have asked me if I had rather spent the quarantine in Estonia. The truth is that what is happening in Estonia is nothing compared to the quarantine here in...
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A year from now…

Almost dark at 2 pm when I look out the window and see the afternoon drizzle gently splashing onto the red rooftops which are nearly shrouded in mist. How depressing! It feels as if the world was preparing to come to an end every single day. I stand up...
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What’s it like to be a volunteer?

Very soon I will be halfway with the project and 5 months are left to complete. Our project will end in the end of June and after that we are thinking about travelling a little more and then… I have absolutely no idea! Fortunately, I still have almost half...
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Where is home?

I remember sitting on the couch in my old apartment in Estonia. It was a day after I had quit my job and a week before leaving Tallinn. I was sitting there and thinking oh my god, now what…? Then I stood up and continued packing. Last week in...
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I freaked out and cried in my lesson

I think that now I can finally say that there is some routine again in my life and not everything is as good as it looks on my Instagram account. We started giving classes in October. This is when they gave each one of us a schedule and books....
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First impressions of Spain

I have been living in my new home exactly for a week now. The apartment was definitely a nice surprise for me. I have seen volunteers living in very bad conditions – old, smelly apartments. So I was mentally prepared for this and expected the worst. Fortunately, it was...
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